





– 巴西属于全球最大的动物饲料生产市场之一(8200万吨)。

– 巴西动物营养品市场规模在2021年估计为112亿美元,在2022-2027年预测期内增长迅速。

– 巴西的饲料添加剂市场正受到肉类消费和出口增加以及消费者对肉类和乳制品质量认识提高的推动。

– 肉类生产的工业化也在增加该国对饲料添加剂的需求。

– 巴西可能会超过美国,成为世界主要的玉米出口国。2013年,巴西的出口量刚刚超过2000万吨,而到2023年,预计将超过5000万吨。

– 拉美地区是世界上少数几个拥有大量未开发农业用地资源的地区之一(集中在巴西和阿根廷),这表明该地区将继续在全球饲料生产和加工中发挥重要作用。

– 巴西目前是全球第10大小麦进口国,其90%以上的进口是来自其邻国阿根廷、乌拉圭和巴拉圭的免税进口。

– 巴西的可持续激励措施;是认证大豆生产水平最高的上榜国家之一,约为370万吨。预计到2035年,在不砍伐森林的情况下,巴西目前的大豆产量将增加36%。
为什么可以考虑选择参加/参观Victam Latam 2023展览会?
– 拉丁美洲唯一完整的动物饲料行业(牛肉、猪、家禽、水和宠物)的活动。
– 关于动物营养的会议,重点是家禽、水产养殖、动物生产中的可持续替代品和解决方案、奶牛场利润优化、蛋白质要求、添加剂和氮的使用以及农场投入的趋势和创新。
– 密集的参观者推广活动集中在整个南美洲,包括买家代表团。
– 许多机构和协会,如ABIAM、GMP+ Peixe BR、RTRS和瓦赫宁根大学都承认这次活动的重要性。
– Evonik, Fenchem, Trouw Nutrition和Vamso Biotec等公司,以及其他150多家公司已经确认参加。
Victam 全球系列展览会排期如下:

Hereunder an interesting report on Animal Nutrition in Brazil.

As you can see LatAm/Brazilian market has a huge potential in the segment that is why we want to have full focus on this part to really give the buyersa one stop shop in Animal feed.


Why Brazil/Latin America region?

·Brazil belongs to the biggest markets globally for animal feed production (82 million tons).

·Brazil Animal Nutrition Market size is estimated at $11.2 billion in 2021, growing rapidly during the forecast period 2022-2027.

·The Brazilian feed additives market is being driven by an increase in meat consumption and exports, as well as rising consumer awareness about the quality of meat and dairy products.

·The industrialization of meat production is also increasing the country’s demand for feed additives.

·Brazil could overtake the US as the world’s leading exporter of corn. In 2013, Brazil exported just over 20 million tons, and by 2023, it is expected to exceed 50 million tons.

·The Latin American region is one of the few parts of the world with significant resources of unexploited agricultural land (concentrated in Brazil and Argentina), suggesting the region will continue to play a vital role in global feed production and processing.

·Brazil is currently the 10th largest global wheat importer, with more than 90% of its imports coming in tax-free from its neighbor countries Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

·Brazil’s sustainable incentives; one of the top listed countries with the highest levels of certified soy production, at approximately 3.7 million tons. It is expected that the current soybean production in Brazil will be increased by 36% by 2035 without deforestation.

Why Victam?

·Only complete event for the animal feed industry (Beef, Pig, Poultry, Aqua and Pets) in Latin America.

·Conferences on animal nutrition, focusing on species such as poultry, aquaculture, sustainable alternatives and solutions in animal production, dairy farm margin optimization, protein requirements, additives and nitrogen use and farm input trends and innovations.

·Intensive visitor promotion campaign focused on whole South America, including buyers mission.

·Many institutions and associations such as ABIAM, GMP+ Peixe BR, RTRS, and the University of Wageningen have acknowledged the importance of this event.

·Companies like Evonik, Fenchem, Trouw Nutrition and Vamso Biotec, among more than 150 others, have already confirmed their participation.

Exhibitions & Conferences, mark your calendar!
